about jeffrey thomas

Over several decades, Jeffrey Thomas has built long-lasting relationships with a global range of established artists, galleries and auction houses. Jeffrey supplies his clients with an insider's entree to the complex world of collecting artwork, and he combines both education and engagement to create a custom program that is tailored to particular interests.

As an art consultant and sounding board for new artistic visions that can only make Portland a better place to live, Jeffrey is an enthusiastic champion of the fine art community.  In both his online postings and his curatorial prowess, Jeffrey serves as one of our most passionate arts advocates at a time when our city’s cultural evolution is being finally recognized and fully realized.

Jeffrey Thomas

Jeffrey Thomas
Photo by Dennis Hopper

During these past few boom years, it seems to me that people have been buying with their ears rather than with their eyes. My clientele has always been more passionate about what they collect, what they buy. They are confident and often self-made people. They are obsessive and uncompromising, always on the hunt for the original and the authentic. And they look to me as a scout.
— Jeffrey Thomas